A.Team Sample Proposal


📂 Network data

  • Work history and experience between members.
  • Team scores on past projects.
  • Soft and hard skills.

📚 ML layer

Team formation

Team scaling

Team scoring

A.Team enterprise product


Pedro D.
Pedro D.
Current search
With 20+ years in software development and management, I've honed my skills across diverse sectors including automotive, financial, healthcare, and software. I've thrived in both startups and large corporations, leveraging my expertise in backend development to create serverless solutions on AWS and Azure using Node.js and .Net Core. My proficiency in C# and .Net is top-notch, complemented by strong skills in Node.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, and AWS. As a full-stack developer, I'm adept with Angular and React, and my backend experience extends to Express, Nest.js, and ASP.Net Web API. My Agile experience is extensive, having served as a scrum master for various teams, and my project management skills are well-honed, with a track record...
Pedro D.
Port 80 Development
API Design and Development The company creates ecommerce websites for clients. I am helping them with their backend development which is written in Express.js/Javascript. It has a MySQL backend that is hosted on GCP. I joined while the application was partially written by another developer and am helping them refactor the backend as well as add new functionality.
Pedro D.
CivilScape Website Update
Updating their website to increase business This is a small company that publishes construction project information to be used by other companies. Their existing website is old and has limitations. I inherited a project where they were updating it to ASP.NETMVC 4.6 with some JQuery. I finished the project and integrated Stripe for payments and also added a lot more functionality. We are launching with the new website within the next week or so.
Pedro D.
Ask My Files Now
Online File Searcher The purpose of this project is to give a user the ability to upload files (PDFs, text files and audio files as well as URLs and YouTube videos with transcriptions) and then be able to search them using Open AI embeddings. Using Langchain's Node.js package, I have the user upload a file from my website which then goes to an S3 bucket. From there, it gets processed by a Lambda which then converts it to text, slices the text up into 500 character chunks, creates embeddings from it and then inserts it into a vector database. Then, in the website I created, the user can then query the vector database that will show them which of the files they uploaded, and if it is a PDF or text file, what page it most closely answers t...
Pedro D.
Port 80 Development
API Design and Development The company creates ecommerce websites for clients. I am helping them with their backend development which is written in Express.js/Javascript. It has a MySQL backend that is hosted on GCP. I joined while the application was partially written by another developer and am helping them refactor the backend as well as add new functionality.
Pedro D.
CivilScape Website Update
Updating their website to increase business This is a small company that publishes construction project information to be used by other companies. Their existing website is old and has limitations. I inherited a project where they were updating it to ASP.NETMVC 4.6 with some JQuery. I finished the project and integrated Stripe for payments and also added a lot more functionality. We are launching with the new website within the next week or so.
Pedro D.
Ask My Files Now
Online File Searcher The purpose of this project is to give a user the ability to upload files (PDFs, text files and audio files as well as URLs and YouTube videos with transcriptions) and then be able to search them using Open AI embeddings. Using Langchain's Node.js package, I have the user upload a file from my website which then goes to an S3 bucket. From there, it gets processed by a Lambda which then converts it to text, slices the text up into 500 character chunks, creates embeddings from it and then inserts it into a vector database. Then, in the website I created, the user can then query the vector database that will show them which of the files they uploaded, and if it is a PDF or text file, what page it most closely answers t...
Antonio C.
Antonio C.
Current search
I'm an independent Multidisciplinary Software Engineer with wide experience as CTO, Team Leader, Software Architect and Developer in diverse areas like Defence, Industry, Education, Advertising, Finance, Internet and R&D (Science). I feel comfortable combining the management tasks (Strategic Guidance, Coaching, Mentoring, etc.) with technical development tasks (Technical Analysis, Architectural Analysis, Prototyping, Testing, Optimizing, Debugging, etc.). I’m good managing emergencies (as a fireman) and providing different points of view to find a good solution. Other skills to bear in mind: - Pragmatic : keep it simple. - Open-minded : I don't care where the ideas come from if they are good. - Passionate : Each project is a piece o...
Antonio C.
Many networks. So many networks. A lot of networks.
Antonio C.
Software to control Aerosol Device
Development of the firmware and control software for an ad-hoc sensor device for aerosols (Microcontroller firmware on Arduino-C Desktop Application in .NET).
Antonio C.
Pharma Platforms for Labs
I designed and developed several platforms that combines inventory, workflows, notifications, documentation and reporting for biological assays in laboratories (ELN system non GLP). Basically the technology behind is using Node on Backend + NoSQL databases (ArangoDB and PostgreSQL in some of the platforms)
Antonio C.
Many networks. So many networks. A lot of networks.
Antonio C.
Software to control Aerosol Device
Development of the firmware and control software for an ad-hoc sensor device for aerosols (Microcontroller firmware on Arduino-C Desktop Application in .NET).
Antonio C.
Pharma Platforms for Labs
I designed and developed several platforms that combines inventory, workflows, notifications, documentation and reporting for biological assays in laboratories (ELN system non GLP). Basically the technology behind is using Node on Backend + NoSQL databases (ArangoDB and PostgreSQL in some of the platforms)
Ryan H.
Ryan H.
Current search
I’m a PhD-trained machine learning research scientist working on biological/chemical problems. I also have experience in graph neural networks, explainable AI, backend & blockchain development, management, numerical programming & image processing, and machine learning applied to other fields. For publications and projects see: https://henders.one
Ryan H.
ChemInformatics Model Explorer (CIME): exploratory analysis of chemical model explanations
ChemInformatics Model Explorer (CIME): exploratory analysis of chemical model explanations The introduction of machine learning to small molecule research– an inherently multidisciplinary field in which chemists and data scientists combine their expertise and collaborate - has been vital to making screening processes more efficient. In recent years, numerous models that predict pharmacokinetic properties or bioactivity have been published, and these are used on a daily basis by chemists to make decisions and prioritize ideas.
Ryan H.
Picasso: A Modular Framework for Visualizing the Learning Process of Neural Network Image Classifiers
Explainable AI Picasso is a free open-source (Eclipse Public License) web application written in Python for rendering standard visualizations useful for analyzing convolutional neural networks. Picasso ships with occlusion maps and saliency maps, two visualizations which help reveal issues that evaluation metrics like loss and accuracy might hide: for example, learning a proxy classification task. Picasso works with the Tensorflow deep learning framework, and Keras (when the model can be loaded into the Tensorflow backend). Picasso can be used with minimal configuration by deep learning researchers and engineers alike across various neural network architectures. Adding new visualizations is simple: the user can specify their visualizati...
Ryan H.
Scrape billions of images image-match is a simple package for finding approximate image matches from a corpus. It is similar, for instance, to pHash, but includes a database backend that easily scales to billions of images and supports sustained high rates of image insertion: up to 10,000 images/s on our cluster!
Ryan H.
ChemInformatics Model Explorer (CIME): exploratory analysis of chemical model explanations
ChemInformatics Model Explorer (CIME): exploratory analysis of chemical model explanations The introduction of machine learning to small molecule research– an inherently multidisciplinary field in which chemists and data scientists combine their expertise and collaborate - has been vital to making screening processes more efficient. In recent years, numerous models that predict pharmacokinetic properties or bioactivity have been published, and these are used on a daily basis by chemists to make decisions and prioritize ideas.
Ryan H.
Picasso: A Modular Framework for Visualizing the Learning Process of Neural Network Image Classifiers
Explainable AI Picasso is a free open-source (Eclipse Public License) web application written in Python for rendering standard visualizations useful for analyzing convolutional neural networks. Picasso ships with occlusion maps and saliency maps, two visualizations which help reveal issues that evaluation metrics like loss and accuracy might hide: for example, learning a proxy classification task. Picasso works with the Tensorflow deep learning framework, and Keras (when the model can be loaded into the Tensorflow backend). Picasso can be used with minimal configuration by deep learning researchers and engineers alike across various neural network architectures. Adding new visualizations is simple: the user can specify their visualizati...
Ryan H.
Scrape billions of images image-match is a simple package for finding approximate image matches from a corpus. It is similar, for instance, to pHash, but includes a database backend that easily scales to billions of images and supports sustained high rates of image insertion: up to 10,000 images/s on our cluster!
Javier R.
Javier R.
Current search
Javier is a passionate professional with +15 years experience in startups and corporate, solving customer needs by launching products that millions of users have used. +10 years working inside high-growth startups like: Wunderlist (acq. by Microsoft), Plug.dj, Open.me (acq. by Rowl), Pluto (acq. by Viacom), Moviepilot (acq. Webedia). He's mentored +100 startups at Techstars and Founder Institute. He's also founder and builder; he ran a product agency in Berlin, co-founded a mobile social offers company in Madrid and launched an e-pharmacy out of University. Before that, he was a Business Intelligence Analyst at Oracle and Systems Analyst at Transmitton-Siemens. He helped build a +50 investor network in Spain and managed +500 deal fl...
Javier R.
Oracle: BI Dashboards for management
Built Business Intelligence dashboards for operational metrics across EMEA to management team. Deliverables: • Part of a team of consultants responsible for leading the completion of two Business Intelligence projects within the EMEA region. • Conducted design and implementation of analytical reports for UK and Dutch management team.
Javier R.
Keiretsu: startup deal flow concierge app
Built and launched a deal flow concierge app to identify and invest in spanish startups. Deliverables: • Creating a deal flow discovery network covering major cities in Spain, such as Madrid, Zaragoza or Málaga. • Prospecting, screening and valuation of approximately 100 companies looking for investment from 200k to 2MM Euros. • Creation of investor network in Madrid of around 30 people.
Javier R.
Moviepilot: movie content app
Helped relaunch Moviepilot, a web app that tracked and recommended new movies and fan news. (Was sold to Webedia) Deliverables: • worked with a team of 15 • implemented Mixpanel Analytics • 1ks surveys and 100s of user interviews • built an opportunity roadmap • launched continuous A/B tests • resulted in higher engagement metrics such as +520,000 active onboarded users/year.
Javier R.
Oracle: BI Dashboards for management
Built Business Intelligence dashboards for operational metrics across EMEA to management team. Deliverables: • Part of a team of consultants responsible for leading the completion of two Business Intelligence projects within the EMEA region. • Conducted design and implementation of analytical reports for UK and Dutch management team.
Javier R.
Keiretsu: startup deal flow concierge app
Built and launched a deal flow concierge app to identify and invest in spanish startups. Deliverables: • Creating a deal flow discovery network covering major cities in Spain, such as Madrid, Zaragoza or Málaga. • Prospecting, screening and valuation of approximately 100 companies looking for investment from 200k to 2MM Euros. • Creation of investor network in Madrid of around 30 people.
Javier R.
Moviepilot: movie content app
Helped relaunch Moviepilot, a web app that tracked and recommended new movies and fan news. (Was sold to Webedia) Deliverables: • worked with a team of 15 • implemented Mixpanel Analytics • 1ks surveys and 100s of user interviews • built an opportunity roadmap • launched continuous A/B tests • resulted in higher engagement metrics such as +520,000 active onboarded users/year.
Start Building with A.Team